I normally don’t write political posts, but I am infuriated with our government, and the passing of the FISA amendment. The UCLA is taking out a full page ad in a major national newspaper to announce taking the un-Constitutional amendment to court. They want tens of thousands of signatures on the ad:
We want Congress to stand up for our freedom, but they keep caving in to fear mongering! Help the ACLU spell it out for them.
The ACLU is preparing to challenge the unconstitutional FISA Amendments Act in court and protect your right to privacy.
In addition, the ACLU will be taking out a full-page ad in a major national newspaper announcing the lawsuit and expressing outrage at this abandonment of our Constitutional principles. Their goal is to run an ad containing the names of tens of thousands of Americans who believe in the Constitution and want Congress to hear our message loud and clear: next time, stand up for our rights.
There has never been a more important moment to demonstrate to our leaders that we believe in freedom – not fear.
Go here to sign. I already did. Tell this government that illegal wire tapping is a crime, and that the Fourth Ammendment is still part of the Constitution. Treason is NEVER legal or moral.
Thanks anonymous for catching my really big typo!
Thanks for posting this, it’s an outrage.
Typo: You have UCLA in the first reference instead of ACLU.
Sometimes we just have to speak out. I don’t know the ins and outs of this but I am glad that you did.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! This is a very big deal and I’m rather infuriated with our media for not giving it the time it deserves. We’re not even going to have a Constitution anymore if we keep going at this rate.