Scripture Readings: Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

God, full of grace and mercy
You never turn away anyone who seeks you.
You wait for us with open arms
To turn from our sinful and vain ways,
And come to You:
To be healed,
To be reconciled,
To be like Christ.
We come to You, gracious God.
We come to be healed
And to be reconciled.
We come to be empowered
So we can be your ambassadors of hope and grace
To a world that desperately needs Your love and compassion.

In The Mother’s Tale Sally tells the story of the prodigal’s mother and what she could have been thinking and feeling when her youngest son left home.

Mother Laura has a sermon on The Prodigal Son that looks at the parable in a very different way than most of us have heard it.

On RevGalBlogPals Sue has posted a prayer from the prodigal’s point of view.