Sophia writes: I just got back from an 8 mile bike ride down the beach boardwalk near our home, and was struck with the number of people out enjoying physical activity. Runners, other cyclists, surfers, swimmers, dogwalkers, little kids on scooters….

It’s easy to lose track of my physical self-care in the midst of flurried preparation for a final on-campus interview Monday for a college teaching position in the Midwest (prayers welcome!) and the family move that would accompany it. But each day that I do make time to walk or ride my bike it is such a stress reliever that it is well worth the time invested!

So how about you and your beautiful temple of the Holy Spirit?

1. What was your favorite sport or outdoor activity as a child?

Bike riding and the swing set.

2. P.E. class–heaven or the other place?

I didn’t like it. Too many people looking at me.

3. What is your favorite form of exercise now?

Walking and yoga

4. Do you like to work out solo or with a partner?

I do both. I practice yoga solo and at class, and I just found a walking partner. That’s good because I need the accountability.

5. Inside or outside?

Outside. Of course in Chicago that means 3 months out of the year. 😛

Bonus: Post a poem, scripture passage, quotation, song, etc. regarding the body or exercise.

Let’s get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, Let me hear your body calling…..

I am such a child of the 80s.