Hi, I’m Shawna Atteberry, a writer, teacher, and baker. My love for writing began in the second grade when I wrote my first short story set on Venus (and that’s all I remember about it). My love for teaching began in high school when I started teaching a Sunday School class, and my love of baking began in the 4th or 5th grade when I received an E-Z Bake Oven for Christmas. I have worked many jobs over the course of my life, but at heart, I have always been and will always be a writer, a teacher, and a baker

As a writer, I have researched and written theological books and articles. In addition, I’ve edited religious education materials and published one book, What You Didn’t Learn in Sunday School: Women Who Didn’t Shut Up & Sit Down, (Wipf and Stock Publishing, February 2013). I was a General Editor on New Testament: The Divine Feminine Version. I’ve also written three unpublished novels.

I started teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in 2015. During the pandemic, I became a certified ESL Instructor and started teaching ESL at the college level. I still teach Sunday School occasionally, and I’ve also taught at local and national conferences.

I still bake whenever I get the chance: breads, cakes, cookies, pies. Baking relaxes me and helps me to get out of my head. It was how I got through the pandemic (yes, I was the reason you had trouble finding flour and yeast in 2020). Baking to be magical. You take all these different ingredients in the right way and out comes this fantastic creation. I hope its enchantment never ends.

In my free time, I cook and bake for friends, crochet, garden, and read. You can follow my cooking and baking adventures on Instagram (shawnaatteberry26). I am an avid science-fiction/fantasy fan and consume books, TV shows, and movies in that genre.

You can email me at Shawna@ShawnaAtteberry.com.