Time’s cover article this week is Does God Want You to Be Rich? I haven’t had a chance to read it, but I have read two reviews of it that I highly recommend for a more biblical way of looking at money and wealth: New Testament prof Ben Witherington’s response is Just in Time—God Wants You Wealthy. He also gives the top ten reasons why God doesn’t want us wealthy.
Over at Street Prophets Sweet Georgia Peach has done this review: Prosperity Theology—Does God Want You to Be Rich?. As always there is a lot of good conversation going on in the comments.
Sweet Georgia Peach also puts together the Noonday Prayer from the Daily Office at Street Prophets and today’s prayer service is really good. So if you need a little breather for time with God this afternoon, go pray.
Starwoman has started a discussion on praying for our enemies and posted a prayer service praying for our enemies. I did not know that Friday was a day to be kept in the penitentional spirit because that is the day Christ died. I like that idea along with making that day to focus on praying for my enemies.
My first post is up at The CBE Scroll: The Importance of History.