Our building had it’s Halloween party this last Saturday. Here are some of the pics:
Tracy and I
It’s the Voodoo Witch Doctor and his Mrs. Witch.
President of Social Committee, Jeanine, Tracy, and me
For some odd reason we attracted a skeleton.
Ann and Jeanine
Then the skeleton ran into a street walker.
Condo Board President Barb
The Hippie is here! Now we can get the party started!
Because it’s not Halloween without The Great Pumpkin.
My familiar, Victoria aka The Diva
What is a witch without her Familiar?
Some (wickedly) enchanted evening, you may see a stranger
Oh my! Who is that sexy Voodoo Witch Man? I might just follow him home… (Actually he followed me because he’s a Gentleman Voodoo Witch Man.)
Halloweens Past: Last year we were Mr. Evil Clown, and Mrs. Sexy Harlequin. And I don’t seem to have pictures on the site of the year we went as Mr. and Mrs. Beelzebulb. I might have to remedy that:
Halloween 2006