Last year I wrote a review of Megan Defranza‘s Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God, sent it to the editor of the Englewood Review of Books then promptly forgot about it. When I was hunting through my bookshelves over the weekend, I came across the book and wondered if the review had been published. It had: in January. I’m a little behind the curve on this one, but here it is.

Sex Difference in Christain Theology is a much needed theological reflection on what it means to be made in the image of God, and that male and female do not have to be the binary straightjacket of what it means to be fully human. There are gray areas of sex, gender, and sexuality in our world, and our theology needs to reflect those areas to be faithful to how all of us are created in the image of God and image God in this world. DeFranza has provided a good biblical and theological foundation for this work.

Click here to read the rest of the review.