This has been a busy week. Tomorrow night I will be at an assessment and interview with the University of Phoenix. I am preparing a 5-7 minute presentation, so they can have an idea of what my teaching style would be. If all goes well, I will be an adjunct professor in the humanities department in the downtown Chicago campus. I’m very excited.
I also received my first check for my writing! Dr. Dennis Bratcher is posting many of the articles from Career Women of the Bible on his site The Voice. You can see what up at Women and Theology.
Tonight is Ash Wednesday, so I will be heading to church for the service. I arranged a readers’ theater of the Gospel lesson, Matthew 6:1-1, 16-21. I am also one of the readers. Those of who are taking part in the service are meeting at 5:30 for dinner then to go over the service and rehearse. Which means I will be leaving here very soon.
Then tomorrow night one of my writers’ groups is meeting. It’s called FaithWriters and is at the 1st UMC church. So I have a full schedule this week.
Next week I should be back to regularly posting. If you have any ideas for post or would like to write a guest post, just let me know. You can leave a comment or email me.
Thank you for checking in and your well wishes. I am getting ready to write an update post.
I’m looking forward to hearing how the interview went. Had no idea you were looking for a teaching gig. Keep me posted, please.
Hope all went well with the interview
Peace and blessings