Songbird needs help this week: “In a minor domestic crisis, my food processor, or more precisely the part you use for almost everything for which I use a food processor, picked the eve of the festive season of the year to give up the ghost. A crack in the lid expanded such that a batch of squash soup had to be liberated via that column shaped thing that sticks up on top.

Can you tell this is not my area of strength?

Next week, I’m hosting Thanksgiving. I need your help. Please answer the following kitchen-related questions:”

1) Do you have a food processor? Can you recommend it? Which is to say, do you actually use it?

No, I don’t. Not enough room.

2) And if so, do you use the fancy things on it? (Mine came with a mini-blender (used a lot and long ago broken) and these scary disks you used to julienne things (used once).)

See above. (I might not be much help to you on this one.)

3) Do you use a standing mixer? Or one of the hand-held varieties?

I have a hand-held mixer that I love. If I get a bigger kitchen at some point, I would like a standing mixer.

(And isn’t that color delightfully retro?)

Yes, it is. πŸ™‚

4) How about a blender? Do you have one? Use it much?

I have a blender I use some. I need to get a stick blender. I would use that more.

5) Finally, what old-fashioned, non-electric kitchen tool do you enjoy using the most?

A whisk.

Bonus: Is there a kitchen appliance or utensil you ONLY use at Thanksgiving or some other holiday? If so, what is it?

Nope, I use them all throughout the year. Of course we’re always away visiting family over the holidays.